Earlybird offer Pulse Deposit – tonik sound


Earlybird offer Pulse Deposit

Pulse is a guitar augmentation that modernizes your acoustic guitar, and allows you to use your favourite effects with no wires, pedals or amps. Just strap the Pulse to your guitar and delay, distortion and reverb come straight from the sound hole, you can even feel the vibrations in the body of your guitar. Sounds like magic? Check out our demo video to see it in action.
3 Effects : reverb, distortion, delay

We’re going to be running a crowdfunding campaign in the near future, but based on the interest we’ve gotten so far, the earlybirds are going to sell out quickly!
Put down a $10 refundable deposit now and you can secure a private code for an earlybird unit, at a price of $75 — 50% off of the final sale price!
